A local news paper “Temple Daily Telegram” did a story about us today and we couldn’t be more humbled and honored about it. Written by David Stone it goes into detail on how we got started and some of the inspiration that goes into our building process. The best quote I think is “I’m not going to make and sell something unless I wold be proud to have it in my own home” This was said during a phone interview when I was asked about my passion for what we do. It’s really a great article and I give all the thanks to a great writer.
I am so happy today that words just can’t explain the depth of it. I will be framing this and putting it up in our shop.
If you ever wanted to start something and feel like it’s out of your reach. All I can say it get up and do it. With me everything started with the first cut. that very first cut in my garage with nothing more than a handsaw and home depot bucket as a seat and now become a full business. Dream big and go for bigger! never settle.